Saturday, January 24, 2009


So I had this idea about a year ago... 

Birthed out of the tension that songwriters have when stumbling upon a new melody I thought a battery powered recording device with an expansion slot would be appropriate.  I made a mistake by talking to a representative at Fishman (Guitar Electronics Titan) without having him sign a form of non-disclosure.  I would say that 6-8 months would be enough to develop a patent, draw up a plan, and sell it to the highest bidder.  It just seems too ironic that Ovation guitars just released a brand new - never before seen device that allows you all the same features almost word for word what I told Fishman about 8 months ago.

I am not saying this to brag but to reinforce your privacy when you are sitting on a million dollar idea.  Patents are expensive and hard to come by without a patent lawyer.  I tried to obtain one but fell short of the $1500 needed for one year provisional - $20,000 for a lifetime patent.  Needless to say I got a little eager when I finally got Fishman on the phone after banging on the door for months.  Some days I feel like I haven't learned anything at all.  

Dave if you read this let me remind you that our conversation was private.  I will never buy Fishman again if my assumptions are correct.  If they are misguided I apologize.

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